Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Ca t received e-mailfrom G

Dear Cat,

My Intercession and Prayers Affairs Department has brought to my attention that you credited me for the resignation of a NAPOCOR bigwig.

I vehemently deny that I have something to do with the resignation, Ca t.

For one, I gave men, free will to do whatever they think is right. Right to some is not compliance to moral and ethical standards but right that is appropriate for one’s image as a leader, as a friend, a boss, as parents, and as children.

There are some purifications going on. Some of my white –robed ministers prefer to call it cleansing. To some, it is purging. There are sacrificial lambs as there are people who covet their neighbors' government positions. Yes, Ca t, it is not their neighbors they covet. They looked for their "patron saints"-- patrons who have helped the President in her victory. Rewards and punishments are peddled by my self-acclaimed GOD promoters but your politicians practised them shamelessly. Plum positions go to people who are appointed not because of their qualifications but because of the clout their patrons hold to the Appointments Committees.

Why do you think, they wanted positions in the GOCC , Ca t. I would answer that for you. Salary is good, benefits are good, Responsibility, practically none. It is similar to the saying of Ronald Reagan that a government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

If their responsibilities are similar to those of the CEOs of the private corporations, then they could have been kicked out from their positions at the onset of red bottomline figures. Instead, they stayed in their high-backed chairs, incurred more debts for the GOCC to cover the weak cash positions and operational losses. The only brilliant idea they introduced was to make the government absorb these losses by assuming the loans.

And now your politicians would like to tax the Church. Hohohoho

But Cat, many of these politicians have converted their family businessess to foundations so they can avail of the tax exempt status while enjoying the profits in the form of compensations,allowances, per diems for all the members of the family deducted as operating expenses.

If they cannot make the businesses operate as foundations, then they form foundations that can receive generous donations notonly from the faily businesses but also from the pork barrel of politicians they have helped in the campaign fund.

Yours sincerely,


The Ca t responds :

Patawad boss. Di ka naman mabiro.

The Ca t


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