My Prayer and Angels' Prayers
Dear mouse,
What is creative writing ?
For me, creative writing is when I do not have time to think what to blog?
Let this Ca t pray.
Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to share a joke,
To get some humor out of life,
And pass it on to other foke, ermm polk erm poke...!@#$^&*** crash, bang , pwong, @#$%
Nothing to worry folks, my keyboard is a Dell quiet keyboard.
I will let my angels pray for me. The angel on my left and the angel on my right. Yes folks, now you will see those little winged creatures that I talked to in some of my blogs.
Here they are.
Thought zoomed out:
GOD grant me the serenity to accept things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things,
I cannot accept,and the wisdom to hide the bodies
of those people I killed today because
they pissed me off.
Thought zoomed out:
And help me remember when I am really
having a bad day and it seems that people
are really pissing me off, that it takes 42 muscles
to frown and only 4 to extend my middle
finger and tell them to bite me.
Ooops, I do the praying myself.
The Ca t
Sa wakas! Natanggap ko rin yung Xmas gift na pinadala nyo just today! Salamat! Salamat po!
Hmmmm.... magandang variation yan ng serenity prayer. ehehehe
meli klismas yuga. Just to remind you of the Ca t.
Angel naman ang nagdasal watson.
Well c hy certainly interesting stuff. I love surfing Blogs! I was looking for pray to god stuff and I landed on your page. I was looking more for pray to god
info, but was interested in your posts. Keep it up Take care.
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