Saturday, February 22, 2003

My mailbox-Cat in the Mat There are mails that are treasured. Food for the soul. Here is one from a friend. Dear Cat, Darling.....I am honored...what am sharing in cyberworld personally happened to me. There were also so many mysterious things that happened and still happening to me. Our lives are like the 4 seasons. LOL!!! I've shared my Fall/Winter but not my Spring/Summer... My Spring is so ALIVE... LOL!!! How I wish I can take your hand and play like there's no tomorrow when Springtime comes. I've learned to compartmentalizing my life. As open as I may be, and culturally, am DIFFICULT to take, but just take it as a weather report, as am trying to just recall as much as am able to recall. I see the light at the end of this long black tunnel. Lately, am able to spot errors. Two years ago, my hands ached just typing, let alone THINK. Unfortunately, I did not even recognize my SLOW DEATH. I fought to be ALIVE again. We may never meet in person, we may not even be able to continue this conversation, but just believe that in my heart of hearts, I've no agenda but to share, receive, learn, play and laugh, as I don't have this luxury outside the tube. You are contributing a lot to me. I believe I can only receive as much as am able to give. Love yourself while loving others as we can only give what we have....Stay well precious one...and thanks again. Philamgypsy Proverb worth sharing- Friendship improves happiness, abates misery by doubling our joy and dividing the grief. I need the caculator to divide. III*.*III


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