Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Kris -take 3

Dear Mouse, Once upon a time, someone told me that the reason why he hurt me is because I allow it. From then on, I made a resolve that nobody can hurt me again, ever. Watching the interview of Kris Aquino and listening to her woes about her tempestous affair with Joey that result into violent altercations make me reflect on the importance of respect and self-esteem in a relationship whether it is marital or extramarital and my resolution. The absence of these two elements should send the woman blinded by love to make choices as to what to do with future.. banish the man in her life, suffer the anguish and move on or wallow in self-pity and hate everytime the partner physically and verbally abuses her to inflict pain. My favorite part of the interview is when she discovered that the boyfirend brought her and his other girl friend to the US at the same time. Muttering some more words that I failed to catch, she faced the camera and said. Napakatanga ko talaga. Did I hear a chorused response of "TALAGA?". The CAT Dear CAT, It seems you are joining the media people cashing in on the hot news. I heard that newspapers were sold out. The Mouse


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