Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Spam mails

Dear Mouse, Do not talk to me today. I am busy reporting spam and blocking more spam mails. I included the favorite lines of spammers to the most used words, viagra and xanax, 1. Viagra online (also: xanax, valium, xenical, phentermine, soma, celebrex, valtrex, zyban, fioricet, adipex, etc.) 2. Online pharmacy (also: “online prescriptions”; “meds online”) 3. Get out of debt (also: “special offer”) 4. Get bigger (also: “satisfy your partner”; “improve your sex life”) 5. Online degree (also: “online diploma”) 6. Lowest mortgage rates (also: “lower your mortgage rates”; “refinance”; “refi”) 7. Lowest insurance rates (also: “lower your insurance now”) 8. Work from home (also: “be your own boss”) 9. Hot XXX action (also: “teens”; “porn”) 10. As seen on oprah Arghhhhhhh how can I improve my sex life when I get bigger? Why do they ask me to get out of debt when they are offering loans? Online degrees offer me to become a reverend after two months. Got to to go mousey, my spam sandwich looks delicious. The CAt


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